If you would like to help our work in Ukraine and across Easter Europe at this time, please click the button on the right to express your interest.
‘As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.’
(1 Peter 4:10)
We have many opportunities in different parts of the world for those called to serve as volunteers…
Every year, tens of thousands of Jewish people from all parts of the world make the momentous decision to leave their country and move to Israel or ‘make Aliyah’ as it is known.
It can be a difficult process, especially in some parts of the world. To assist them, our volunteers come alongside them and help in various ways.
Choosing to serve with Ebenezer Operation Exodus will give you an opportunity to use your God-given gifting and skills to be involved first-hand in the Aliyah of the Jewish people. It is an amazing time and many find that their lives are changed in ways they could scarcely have imagined, though there is often a requirement to persevere when tasks are tiring or the alarm clock rings at inconvenient times.
In addition, it goes without saying, that if you choose to serve with us, you must be able and willing to work as a member of a team.

Volunteer in Argentina
“I spent 6 months in beautiful Argentina, speaking in churches and with the Jewish people about Aliyah. I grew in understanding of God’s love for His people. I’m Mexican, so I thought being in a spanish speaking country would be easy - there were challenges but the challenges made me realise practical love changes people, His love for the Jewish people changed me too.”

Volunteer in Ukraine
“My time volunteering revealed the holiness and spiritual things of God that can occur through practical, seemingly ordinary, everyday tasks; like helping Jewish people at an airport. You impact others by merely being a vessel for the Lord to show His love and character through you and your actions. Just being ‘there’ is all the Lord needs to work.”

Volunteer in Russia
“I heard a member of the team in Russia talking about her work with such joy and I knew I had to help! Despite many questions, I knew this was what I wanted to do and God confirmed it. Every day I felt closer to Him. My trip completely changed my life - God became my first priority and now when I read my Bible, I understand His plan for the Jewish people because I was there to witness it!”
We would love to hear from you.
If you would like to be involved and feel God is calling you to give some time in a volunteer capacity, please contact us. Give us a short testimony of how God has spoken to your heart and what skills and abilities you may have to offer.
(It is likely, due to the travel restrictions imposed by the Covid pandemic, that we will initially only be able to offer you a placement in your home country, though we hope that will soon change. Please check the current situation with us when you contact us.)